7 January 1999
------------------------------------------------- From the House Reports Online via GPO Access 105th Congress Report 2d Session 105-582 _______________________________________________________________________ TO ESTABLISH THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY/COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA June 16, 1998 See: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/useftp.cgi?IPaddress= Size: 126K ---------- [Congressional Record: June 18, 1998 (House)] ESTABLISHING THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY/COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA See: http://frwebgate2.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=2768510864+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve Size: 266K ---------- [Congressional Record: June 18, 1998 (House)] PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.RES. 463, ESTABLISHING SELECT COMMITTEE ON U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY/COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA See: http://frwebgate2.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=2768510864+2+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve Size: 72K ---------- [Congressional Record: June 22, 1998 (House)] APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SELECT COMMITTEE ON U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY/COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Nethercutt). Without objection, and pursuant to the provisions of section 3(a) of House Resolution 463, 105th Congress, the Chair appoints the following Members of the House to the U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China: Mr. Cox of California, Chairman, Mr. Goss, Mr. Bereuter, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Weldon of Pennsylvania, Mr. Dicks, Mr. Spratt, Ms. Roybal-Allard, Mr. Scott. There was no objection. ---------- [Congressional Record: June 25, 1998 (House)] RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON MILITARY/ COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA See below. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 1, 1998 (Digest)] TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TO CHINA Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China: Met in executive session to receive briefings on pending business. Will continue tomorrow. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 2, 1998 (Digest)] TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TO CHINA Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China: Met in executive session to continue to receive briefings on pending business. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 10, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings on pending business, 8 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 17, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to consider pending business, 8 a.m., H-122 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 24, 1998 (Digest)] Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings, 8 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: September 25, 1998 (Digest)] TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TO CHINA Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China: Met in executive session to continue to receive briefings. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 1, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings on pending business, 8 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 8, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings, 8 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 13, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings, 10 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 14, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings, 9 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 15, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to continue to receive briefings, 9 a.m., H-405 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 19, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to consider pending business, 4:45 p.m., H-140 Capitol. ---------- [Congressional Record: October 20, 1998 (Digest)] COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1998 Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, executive, to consider pending business, 1 p.m., H-405 Capitol.
[Congressional Record: June 25, 1998 (House)] [Page H5397-H5401] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:cr25jn98-148] RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON MILITARY/ COMMERCIAL CONCERNS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Hon. CHRISTOPHER COX, Chairman of the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, submitted the following rules of procedure: Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China--Rules of Procedure (Adopted June 25, 1998) 1. convening of meetings The regular meeting date and time for the transaction of committee business shall be at 8 o'clock a.m. Wednesday of each week, unless otherwise directed by the chairman. In the case of any meeting of the committee, other than a regularly scheduled meeting, the clerk of the committee shall notify [[Page H5398]] every member of the committee of the time and place of the meeting and shall give reasonable notice which, except in extraordinary circumstances, shall be at least 24 hours in advance of any meeting held in Washington, D.C., and at least 48 hours in the case of any meeting held outside Washington, D.C. 2. preparations for committee meetings Under direction of the chairman, designated committee staff members shall brief members of the committee at a time sufficiently prior to any committee meeting to assist the committee members in preparation for such meeting and to determine any matter which the committee members might wish considered during the meeting. Such briefing shall, at the request of a member, include a list of all pertinent papers and other materials that have been obtained by the committee that bear on matters to be considered at the meeting. The staff director shall recommend to the chairman the testimony, papers, and other materials to be presented to the committee at any meeting. The determination whether such testimony, papers, and other materials shall be presented in open or executive session shall be made by the Chairman in conformity with the Rules of the House and these rules. 3. meeting procedures Meetings of the committee shall be open to the public except that a portion or portions of any such meeting may be closed to the public if the committee determines by record vote in open session and with a majority present that the matters to be discussed or the testimony to be taken on such matters would endanger national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, or would tend to defame, degrade or incriminate any person, or otherwise would violate any law or rule of the House. Quorum.--One-third of the members of the Select Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business other than the reporting of a matter, which shall require a majority of the committee to be actually present, except that 2 members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of holding hearings to take testimony and receive evidence. Decisions of the committee shall be by majority vote of the members present and voting. Whenever the committee by rollcall vote reports any measure or matter, the report of the committee upon such measure or matter shall include a tabulation of the votes cast in favor of and the votes cast in opposition to such measure or matter. 4. Procedures related to the taking of testimony Notice. Reasonable notice shall be given to all witnesses appearing before the committee. Oath or Affirmation. Testimony of witnesses shall be given under oath or affirmation which may be administered by any member of the committee, except that the chairman of the committee shall not require an oath or affirmation where the chairman determines that it would not be appropriate under the circumstances. Interrogation. Committee interrogation shall be conducted by members of the committee and such committee staff as are authorized by the chairman or the presiding member. Counsel for the Witness. (A) Any witness may be accompanied by counsel. A witness who is unable to obtain counsel may inform the committee of such fact. If the witness informs the committee of this fact at least 24 hours prior to the witness' appearance before the committee, the committee shall then endeavor to obtain voluntary counsel for the witness. Failure to obtain such counsel will not excuse the witness from appearing and testifying. (B) Counsel shall conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner. Failure to do so shall, upon a finding to that effect by a majority of the members of the committee, a majority being present, subject such counsel to disciplinary action which may include censure, removal, or a recommendation of contempt proceedings, except that the chairman of the committee may temporarily remove counsel during proceedings before the committee unless a majority of the members of the committee, a majority being present, vote to reverse the ruling of the chair. (C) There shall be no direct or cross-examination by counsel for a witness. However, counsel may submit in writing any question counsel wishes propounded to a client or to any other witness and may, at the conclusion of such testimony, suggest the presentation of other evidence or the calling of other witnesses. The committee may use such questions and dispose of such suggestions as it deems appropriate. Statements by Witnesses. A witness may make a statement, which shall be brief and relevant, at the beginning and conclusion of the witness' testimony. Such statements shall not exceed a reasonable period of time as determined by the chairman, or other presiding member. Any witness desiring to make a prepared or written statement for the record of the proceedings shall file a copy with the clerk of the committee, and insofar as practicable and consistent with the notice given, shall do so at least 72 hours in advance of the witness' appearance before the committee. Objections and Ruling. Any objection raised by a witness or counsel shall be ruled upon by the chairman or other presiding member, and such ruling shall be the ruling of the committee unless a majority of the committee present overrules the ruling of the chair. Transcripts. A transcript shall be made of the testimony of each witness appearing before the committee during a committee hearing. Inspection and Correction. All witnesses testifying before the committee shall be given a reasonable opportunity to inspect the transcript of their testimony to determine whether such testimony was correctly transcribed. The witness may be accompanied by counsel. Any corrections the witness desires to make in the transcript shall be submitted in writing to the committee within 5 days from the date when the transcript was made available to the witness. Corrections shall be limited to grammar and minor editing, and may not be made to change the substance of the testimony. Any questions arising with respect to such corrections shall be decided by the chairman. Upon request, those parts of testimony given by a witness in executive session which are subsequently quoted or made part of a public record shall be made available to that witness at the witness' expense. Requests to Testify. The committee will consider requests to testify on any matter or measure pending before the committee. A person who believes that testimony or other evidence presented at a public hearing, or any comment made by a committee member or a member of the committee staff may tend to affect adversely that person's reputation, may request to appear personally before the committee to testify on his or her own behalf, or may file a sworn statements of facts relevant to the testimony, evidence, or comment, or may submit to the chairman proposed questions in writing for the cross-examination of other witnesses. The committee shall take such actions as it deems appropriate. Contempt Procedures. No recommendations that a person be cited for contempt of Congress shall be forwarded to the House unless and until the committee has, upon notice to all its members, met and considered the alleged contempt, afforded the person an opportunity to state in writing or in person why he or she should not be held in contempt, and agreed, by majority vote of the committee, a quorum being present, to forward such recommendation to the House. Release of Name of Witness. At the request of any witness, the name of that witness scheduled to be heard by the committee shall not be released prior to, or after, the witness' appearance before the committee, unless otherwise authorized by the chairman. Closing Hearings. A vote to close a committee hearing may be taken by a majority of those present, there being in attendance the requisite number required under the rules of the committee to be present for the purpose of taking testimony or receiving evidence; provided, that such a vote may not be taken by less than a majority of the committee members unless at least one member of the minority is present to vote upon the motion to close the hearing. 5. Subpoenas, Interrogatories, Letters Rogatory, Depositions and Affidavits A. Subpoenas, Interrogatories and Letters Rogatory Committee subpoenas issued in accordance with House Resolution 463 may be served by any person designated by the chairman. Each subpoena shall have attached thereto a copy of these rules and of House Resolution 463. Unless otherwise determined by the select committee the chairman, upon consultation with the ranking minority member, shall authorize and issue subpoenas. In addition, the select committee may itself vote to authorize and issue subpoenas. Subpoenas shall be issued under the seal of the House and attested by the Clerk, and may be served by any persons designated by the chairman or any member. Subpoenas shall be issued upon the chairman's signature or that of a member designated by the Chairman or by the committee. A subpoena duces tecum may be issued whose return shall occur at a time and place other than that of a regularly scheduled meeting. Upon the return of such a subpoena, the chairman or in his absence the ranking member of the majority party who is present, on two hours' telephonic notice to all other committee members, may convene a hearing for the sole purpose of elucidating further information about the return on the subpoena and deciding any objections to the subpoena. Orders for the furnishing of information by interrogatory, the inspecting of locations and systems of records upon notice except in exigent circumstances, the obtaining of evidence in other countries by means of letters rogatory or otherwise, and the other process for obtaining information available to the committee, shall be authorized and issued by the chairman, upon consultation with the ranking minority member, or by the select committee. Requests for investigations, reports, and other assistance from any agency of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government, shall be made by the chairman, upon consultation with the ranking minority member, or by the committee. Provisions may be included in the process of the committee to prevent the disclosure of committee demands for information, when deemed necessary for the security of information or the progress of the investigation [[Page H5399]] by the chairman or member designated by him or the committee, such as requiring that companies receiving subpoenas for financial or toll records make no disclosure to customers regarding the subpoena for ninety days or prohibiting the revelation by witnesses and their counsel of committee inquiries. B. Depositions and Affidavits Unless otherwise determined by the select committee the chairman, upon consultation with the ranking minority member, or the select committee, may authorize the taking of affidavits, and of depositions pursuant to notice or subpoena. Such authorization may occur on a case-by-case basis, or by instructions to take a series of affidavits of depositions. The chairman may either issue the deposition notices himself, or direct the appropriate member of the staff to do so. Notices for the taking of depositions shall specify a time and place for examination. Affidavits and depositions shall be taken under oath administered by a member or a person otherwise authorized by law to administer oaths. The minority shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in all depositions. The committee shall not initiate procedures leading to contempt proceedings in the event a witness fails to appear at a deposition unless the deposition notice was accompanied by a committee subpoena authorized and issued by the chairman or the committee. Witnesses may be accompanied at a deposition by personal counsel to advise them of their rights, subject to the provisions of Rule 4 hereof. Absent special permission or instructions from the chairman, no one may be present in depositions except members, staff designated by the chairman, an official reporter, the witness and any personal counsel; observers or counsel for other persons or for the agencies under investigation may not attend. Witnesses shall be examined in depositions by a member or members or by staff designated by the chairman. Objections by the witness as to the form of questions shall be noted for the record. If a witness objects to a question and refuses to answer, the members or staff may proceed with the deposition, or may obtain, at that time or at a subsequent time, a ruling on the objection by telephone or otherwise from the chairman or his designee. The committee shall not initiate procedures leading to contempt for refusals to answer questions at a deposition unless the witness refuses to testify after his objection has been overruled and after he has been ordered and directed to answer by the chairman or his designee upon consultation with the ranking minority member or his designee. The committee staff shall insure that the testimony is either transcribed or electronically recorded, or both. If a witness' testimony is transcribed, then the witness shall be furnished with an opportunity to review a copy. No later than five days thereafter, the staff shall enter the changes, if any, requested by the witness, with a statement of the witness' reasons for the changes, and the witness shall be instructed to sign the transcript. The individual administering the oath, if other than a Member, shall certify on the transcript that the witness was duly sworn in the administering individual's presence, the transcriber shall certify that the transcript is a true record of the testimony, and the transcript shall be filed, together with any electronic recording, with the clerk of the committee in Washington, D.C. Affidavits and depositions shall be deemed to have been taken in Washington, D.C. once filed there with the clerk of the committee for the committee's use. All depositions, affidavits, and other materials obtained under the authority of Section 9 of House Resolution 463 shall be considered to be taken in executive session. Such material may be released or used in public sessions with the consent of the committee, which shall, unless otherwise directed by the committee, meet in executive session to consider and grant or withhold such consent, provided, that classified information shall be handled in accordance with Rule 7. 6. staff Members of the committee staff shall work collegially, with discretion, and always with the best interests of the national security foremost in mind. Committee business shall, whenever possible, take precedence over other official and personal business. For the purpose of these rules, committee staff means the persons described in Sec. 14(a) of House Resolution 463, including detailees to the extent necessary to fulfill their designated roles. All such persons shall be subject to the same security clearance and confidentiality requirements as employees of the select committee under this rule. Committee staff shall be either majority, minority, or joint. The appointment of joint committee staff shall be by the chairman in consultation with the ranking minority member. A small number of majority and minority staff may be appointed by the chairman and ranking minority member, respectively, without such consultation, the total number of such staff to be fixed by the chairman. After confirmation, the chairman shall certify all committee staff appointments, including appointments by the ranking minority member, to the Clerk of the House in writing. The joint committee staff works for the committee as a whole, under the supervision of the chairman of the committee. Except as otherwise provided by the committee, the duties of joint committee staff shall be performed and committee staff personnel affairs and day-to-day operations, including security and control of classified documents and material, shall be administered under the direct supervision and control of the staff director. Majority and minority staff appointed by the chairman and ranking member, respectively, shall be subject to the same operational control and supervision concerning security and classified documents and material as are joint committee staff. The joint committee staff shall assist the minority as fully as the majority in all matters of committee business and in the preparation and filing of additional, separate and minority views, to the end that all points of view may be fully considered by the committee and the House. The members of the committee staff shall not discuss either the classified substance or procedure of the work of the committee with any person not a member of the committee or the committee staff for any purpose or in connection with any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, either during that person's tenure as a member of the committee staff or at any time thereafter except as directed by the committee, or, after the termination of the committee, in such a manner as may be determined by the House. Each member of the committee, and each member of the committee staff, as a condition of employment, shall agree in writing not to divulge any classified information which comes into such person's possession while a member of the committee or the committee staff or any classified information which comes into such person's possession by virtue of his or her position as a member of the committee or the committee staff to any person not a member of the committee or the committee staff, either while a member of the committee staff or at any time thereafter except as directed by the committee, or, after the termination of the committee, in such manner as may be determined by the House. No member of the committee staff shall be employed by the committee unless and until such person agrees in writing, as a condition of employment, to notify the committee, or, after the committee's termination, the House, of any request for testimony, either while a member of the committee staff or at any time thereafter, with respect to classified information which came into the staff member's possession by virtue of his or her position as a member of the committee staff. Such classified information shall not be disclosed in response to such request except as directed by the committee, or, after the termination of the committee, in such manner as may be determined by the House. No member of the committee, and no member of the committee staff, shall divulge to any person information which comes into his or her possession by virtue of his or her as member of the committee or of the committee staff, if such information may alert the subject of a committee investigation to the existence, nature, or substance of such investigation, unless directed to do so by the chairman, the committee, or the House. The committee shall immediately consider disciplinary action to be taken in case any member of the committee staff fails to conform to any of these rules, including specifically, confidentiality, security, and classified information obligations imposed by House Resolution 463, and these rules, and the oath executed pursuant to section 8(e) of these rules. Such disciplinary action may include, but shall not be limited to, immediate dismissal from the committee staff and criminal referral to the Justice Department. 7. Receipt of Classified Material In the case of any information classified under established security procedures and submitted to the committee by the executive or legislative branch, the committee's acceptance of such information shall constitute a decision by the committee that it is executive session material and shall not be disclosed publicly or released unless the committee, by roll call vote, determines, in a manner consistent House Resolution 463, that it should be disclosed publicly or otherwise released. For purposes of receiving information from either the executive or legislative branch, the committee staff may accept information on behalf of the committee. 8. Procedures Related to Classified or Sensitive Material and other Information (a) Committee staff offices, including majority and minority offices, shall operate under strict security precautions. At least one security officer shall be on duty at all times by the entrance to control entry. Before entering the office all persons shall identify themselves. Sensitive or classified documents and material shall be segregated in a security storage area under the supervision of appropriate joint committee staff. They may be examined only at secure reading facilities. Copying, duplicating, or removal from the joint committee offices of such documents and other materials are prohibited except with leave of the chairman and ranking member for use in, or preparation for, interviews, depositions or committee meetings, including the taking of testimony in conformity with these rules. No classified documents shall be maintained or stored in the majority or minority offices. Each member of the committee shall at all times have access to all papers and the staff director shall be responsible for the maintenance, under appropriate security procedures, of a registry which will number and [[Page H5400]] identify all classified papers and other classified materials in the possession of the committee and such registry shall be available to any member of the committee. Pursuant to clause (2)(e)(2) and clause (2)(g)(2) of House Rule XI, members who are not members of the committee shall be granted access to such transcripts, records, data, charts and files of the committee and be admitted on a nonparticipatory basis to hearings or briefings of the committee which involve classified material on the basis of the following provisions: (1) Members who desire to examine materials in the possession of the committee or to attend committee hearings or briefings on a nonparticipatory basis should notify the clerk of the committee in writing. (2) Each such request by a member must be considered by the committee, a quorum being present, at the earliest practicable opportunity. The committee must determine by record vote whatever action it deems necessary in light of all circumstances of each individual request. The committee shall take into account, in its deliberations, such considerations as the sensitivity of the information sought to the national defense or the confidential conduct of the foreign relations of the United States, the likelihood of its being directly or indirectly disclosed, the jurisdictional interest of the member making the request and such other concerns--constitutional or otherwise--as affect the public interest of the United States. Such actions as the committee may take include, but are not limited to: (i) approving the request, in whole or part; (ii) denying the request; (iii) providing in different form than requested information or material which is the subject of the request. (3) In matters touching on such requests, the committees may, in its discretion, consult the Director of Central Intelligence and such other officials as it may deem necessary. (4) In the event that the member making the request in question does not accede to the determination or any part thereof of the committee as regards the request, that member should notify the committee in writing of the grounds for such disagreement. The committee shall subsequently consider the matter and decide, by record vote, what further action or recommendation, if any, it will take. (b) The committee shall call to the attention of the House or to any other appropriate committee or committees of the House any matters requiring the attention of the House or such other committee or committees of the House on the basis of the following provisions: (1) At the request of any member of the committee, the committee shall meet at the earliest practicable opportunity to consider a suggestion that the committee call to the attention of the House or any other committee or committees of the House executive session material. (2) In determining whether any matter requires the attention of the House or any other committee or committees of the House, the committee shall consider, among such other matters it deems appropriate-- (A) the effect of the matter in question upon the national defense or the foreign relations of the United States; (B) whether the matter in question involves sensitive intelligence sources and methods; (C) whether the matter in question otherwise raises serious questions about the national interest; and (D) whether the matter in question affects matters within the jurisdiction of another committee or committees of the House. (3) In examining the considerations described in paragraph (2), the committee may seek the opinion of members of the committee appointed from standing committees of the House with jurisdiction over the matter in question or to submissions from such other committees. Further, the committee may seek the advice in its deliberations of any executive branch official. (4) If the committee, with a quorum present, by record vote decides that a matter requires the attention of the House or a committee or committees of the House which the committee deems appropriate, it shall make arrangements to notify the House or committee or committees promptly. (5) In bringing a matter to the attention of another committee or committees of the House, the committee, with due regard for the protection of intelligence sources and methods, shall take all necessary steps to safeguard materials or information relating to the matter in question. (6) The method of communicating matters to other committees of the House shall insure that information or material designated by the committee is promptly made available to the chairman and ranking minority member of such other committees. (7) The committee may bring a matter to the attention of the House when it considers the matter in question so grave that it requires the attention of all members of the House, if time is of the essence, or for any other reason which the committee finds compelling. In such case, the committee shall consider whether to request an immediate secret session of the House (with time equally divided between the majority and the minority) or to publicly disclose the matter in question in conformity with the procedures set forth in clause 7 of House Rule XLVIII, governing release of such information by the Select Committee on Intelligence. (c) Whenever the committee makes classified material available to any other committee of the House or to any member of the House not a member of the committee, the clerk of the committee shall be notified. The clerk shall at that time provide a copy of the applicable portions of these rules and of House Resolution 463 and other pertinent Rules of the House to such members or such committee and insure that the conditions contained therein under which the classified materials provided are clearly presented to the recipient. The clerk of the committee shall also maintain a written record identifying the particular information transmitted, the reasons agreed upon by the committee for approving such transmission and the committee or members of the House receiving such information. The staff director of the committee is further empowered to provide for such additional measures as he or she deems necessary in providing material which the committee has determined to make available to a member of the House or a committee of the House. (d) Access to classified information supplied to the committee shall be limited to those committee staff members with appropriate security clearance and a need-to-know, as determined by the committee, and under the committee's direction, the staff director. No member of the committee or of the committee staff shall disclose, in whole or in part or by way of summary, to any person not a member of the committee or the committee staff for any purpose or in connection with any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, any testimony given before the committee in executive session, or the contents of any classified papers or other classified materials or other classified information received by the committee except as authorized by the committee in a manner consistent with House Resolution 463 and the provisions of these rules, or, after the termination of the committee, in such a manner as may be determined by the House. Before the committee makes any decision regarding a request for access to any testimony, papers or other materials in its possession or a proposal to bring any matter to the attention of the House or a committee or committees of the House, committee members shall have a reasonable opportunity to examine all pertinent testimony, papers, and other materials that have been obtained by the committee. (e) Before any member of the committee or the committee staff may have access to classified information the following oath shall be executed: ``I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will not disclose any classified information received in the course of my service on the Select Committee on Military/Commercial Concerns With the People's Republic of China, except when authorized to do so by the committee or the House of Representatives.'' Copies of the executed oath shall be retained in the files of the committee. 9. legislative calendar The clerk of the committee shall maintain a printed calendar for the information of each committee member showing any procedural or legislative measures considered or scheduled to be considered by the committee, and the status of such measures and such other matters as the committee determines shall be included. The calendar shall be revised from time to time to show pertinent changes. A copy of each such revision shall be furnished to each member of the committee. 10. committee travel No member of the committee or committee staff shall travel on committee business unless specifically authorized by the chairman. Requests for authorization of such travel shall state the purpose and extent of the trip, together with itemized expenses anticipated thereon. No preliminary arrangements for foreign travel shall be undertaken by any committee member or staff unless such travel has been authorized in writing by the chairman. A full report shall be filed with the committee when any travel, foreign or domestic, is completed. A report on all foreign travel shall be filed with the committee clerk within 60 calendar days of the completion of said travel. The report shall contain a description of all issues discussed during the trip and the persons with whom the discussion were conducted. If an individual with the committee staff fails to comply with this requirement, he or she shall be subject to the disciplinary procedures set forth in Rule 6. A report on all foreign travel shall be filed with the committee clerk within 60 calendar days of the completion of said travel. The report shall contain a description of all issues discussed during the trip and the persons with whom the discussions were conducted. If an individual with the committee staff fails to comply with this requirement, he or she shall be subject to the disciplinary procedures set forth in Rule 6. When the chairman approves the foreign travel of a member of the committee staff not accompanying a member of the committee, all members of the committee are to be advised, prior to the commencement of such travel, of its extent, nature and purpose. The report referred to in the previous paragraph shall be furnished to all members of the committee and shall not be otherwise disseminated with the express authorization of the committee pursuant to the rules of the committee. [[Page H5401]] 11. broadcasting committee meetings Whenever any hearing or meeting conducted by the committee is open to the public, a majority of the committee or subcommittee, as the case may be, may permit that hearing or meeting to be covered, in whole or in part, by television broadcast, radio broadcast, and still photography, or by any of such methods of coverage, subject to the provisions and in accordance with the spirit of the purposes enumerated in clause 3 of Rule XI of the Rules of the House. 12. committee records transferred to the national archives The records of the committee at the National Archives and Records Administration shall be made available for public use in accordance with rule XXXVI of the rules of the House of Representatives. The chairman shall notify the ranking minority member of any decision, pursuant to clause 3(b)(3) or clause 4(b) of the rule, to withhold a record otherwise available, and the matter shall be presented to the committee for a determination on the written request of any member of the committee. 13. changes in rules These rules may be modified, amended, or repealed by the committee, provided that a notice in writing of the proposed change has been given to each member at least 48 hours prior to the meeting at which action thereon is to be taken. ____________________